We've created a list of what we consider to be the most useful external sites to enhance your sessions of the Light Weight Role
Playing Game. None of these are necesary, and most of them are free or cheap.
Online Gaming | Dice | Q & A | Figures
Online Gaming | Dice | Q & A | Figures
Online Gaming
One of the great things about living in the information age is that even as we move away, we don't need to grow apart. You probably have friends from school or people you've met at conventions who don't live nearby. These tools allow you create, prepare, and even play the Light Weight Role Playing Game with them. For some people, not needing to drive to the session means actually being able to make it.
Google Plus Hangouts
Hangouts are a free video chat application that are built into Google Plus. It allows for up to ten people to talk and share video. It is the next best thing to playing LWRPG in person with your friends. A variety of plugins are available to add dice rolling, battlemaps, and other gaming features, but it works fine sharing a couple of google documents as well.
Google Drive
Another free tool from Google. Store and share characters, stories, maps, and other documents. This tool is great for game masters who conduct some or all of the organization online. You're able to work on the same documents from any computer (so you don't have to even bring a flash drive to a session!) and share specific files with individual players.
Roll20 is the easy-to-use virtual tabletop that brings pen and paper gaming to the web the right way. It's incredibly user friendly, and runs right in your web browser, so there's nothing to download or configure. Roll20 also integrates with Google Hangouts.
LWRPG Character Sheet (iOS)
A fully featured Character Sheet for the iPad. Use this to create your custom characters, or play with the example characters provided in the LWRPG book. This app features a character editor, character sheet display, custom attack editor, built-in dice roller, resolve tracking and more!
One of the great things about living in the information age is that even as we move away, we don't need to grow apart. You probably have friends from school or people you've met at conventions who don't live nearby. These tools allow you create, prepare, and even play the Light Weight Role Playing Game with them. For some people, not needing to drive to the session means actually being able to make it.
Google Plus Hangouts
Hangouts are a free video chat application that are built into Google Plus. It allows for up to ten people to talk and share video. It is the next best thing to playing LWRPG in person with your friends. A variety of plugins are available to add dice rolling, battlemaps, and other gaming features, but it works fine sharing a couple of google documents as well.
Google Drive
Another free tool from Google. Store and share characters, stories, maps, and other documents. This tool is great for game masters who conduct some or all of the organization online. You're able to work on the same documents from any computer (so you don't have to even bring a flash drive to a session!) and share specific files with individual players.
Roll20 is the easy-to-use virtual tabletop that brings pen and paper gaming to the web the right way. It's incredibly user friendly, and runs right in your web browser, so there's nothing to download or configure. Roll20 also integrates with Google Hangouts.
LWRPG Character Sheet (iOS)
A fully featured Character Sheet for the iPad. Use this to create your custom characters, or play with the example characters provided in the LWRPG book. This app features a character editor, character sheet display, custom attack editor, built-in dice roller, resolve tracking and more!
Dice are an essential part of most role playing games. We've inlcuded one free and one cheap solution.
You can buy everything you need (a single ten sided die) for 55 cents! If you'd like to pick up a full set of dice, Chessex has those too.
If you're playing online (or with laptops and tablets), this site works fine as a dice substitute. Choose the appropriate range on the number generator on the front page (1 - 10 in most cases for LWRPG) and you're good to go!
Dice are an essential part of most role playing games. We've inlcuded one free and one cheap solution.
You can buy everything you need (a single ten sided die) for 55 cents! If you'd like to pick up a full set of dice, Chessex has those too.
If you're playing online (or with laptops and tablets), this site works fine as a dice substitute. Choose the appropriate range on the number generator on the front page (1 - 10 in most cases for LWRPG) and you're good to go!
Q & A
It can be intimidating to learn a new game, even when we've made the process as easy as possible with the Light Weight Role Playing Game. These sites make the process easier.
The rpg subreddit. A great place to ask general role playing questions and read about the clever things other people do with their campaigns.
It can be intimidating to learn a new game, even when we've made the process as easy as possible with the Light Weight Role Playing Game. These sites make the process easier.
The rpg subreddit. A great place to ask general role playing questions and read about the clever things other people do with their campaigns.
Figures and miniatures are completely optional to the game, but can be a great aid to players trying to visualize movement and positioning. We've included a few options, but don't be afraid to use a toy lying around the house if it does the job.
Reaper Miniatures
Reaper Miniatures has one of the most extensive catalogues of pewter and plastic figures. They sell minis for all genres, and even have an incredible search tool. Looking for a a female dark elf wielding an axe and wearing a cape? No problem. The Bones line is particularly cost effective.
Castle Ravenloft / Wrath of Ashardalon / Dungeon Command
Not only are these fun board games, but they are worth their weight in plastic figures and map pieces!
Figures and miniatures are completely optional to the game, but can be a great aid to players trying to visualize movement and positioning. We've included a few options, but don't be afraid to use a toy lying around the house if it does the job.
Reaper Miniatures
Reaper Miniatures has one of the most extensive catalogues of pewter and plastic figures. They sell minis for all genres, and even have an incredible search tool. Looking for a a female dark elf wielding an axe and wearing a cape? No problem. The Bones line is particularly cost effective.
Castle Ravenloft / Wrath of Ashardalon / Dungeon Command
Not only are these fun board games, but they are worth their weight in plastic figures and map pieces!